Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordy Wednesday goes Product Spotlight

In an attempt to be more organized with business stuff, crafting stuff, & just life in general I created a blog calendar mapping out specific recurring themes & posts.  I've been doing fairly well at keeping up with everything in the calendar, I did miss a post or 2 on here, but that's only because I didn't want to overwhelm you with 1000 posts in one day.

So instead of posting a long story with a couple pics for Wordy Wednesday (I'm sure if you're a blog junkie like me, you've heard of Wordless Wednesday, but I wanted to switch it up a bit for a couple posts a month & give you wordy Wednesday), I'll be doing the product spotlight post I have planned for the 3rd of every month now.
This month I want to spotlight, Canvas Gallery Wraps.

Have you seen one of these? Held it? Felt it up close?  If not, you need to. They are amazing. They look gorgeous & are a great addition to any wall or photo display. My favorite size right now 16x20, sure that sounds HUGE, but when you get it on the wall, it's not so bad & makes a big impact & looks amazing.

These wraps are 1.5" deep and just pop off the wall. I can design the edges to match the photo or your entire photo can wrap around the edges. 

Because I love these so much & want my clients to be able to experience them in their own photo displays as well, I'm marking these down for the month of April.

April 2011 - Canvas Wrap Special --  take 30% off regular prices

16x20 Canvas Wrap : $200  -- Sale: $140*
11x14 Canvas Wrap : $160 -- Sale: $112*
10x10 Canvas Wrap: $100 -- Sale: $70*
*tax not included
Here are a couple of sample images from one of the professional labs that I use to print these gorgeous works of art.

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