Do you know just how fast a year goes? As a young person you hear adults say things like "this year just flew" or "the older I get the faster it goes", and you think to yourself, "Oh.My.Gosh. can this go any slower". Seriously treasure those moments, because it's true. Add a couple kids & life; you'll soon see just how quickly it does go.
Today is another milestone at our's Brody's first birthday. It's also something more, which probably is more sentimental for me than anyone else here, but, it's the very last time I'll celebrate my own child's 1st birthday.
So with no further ado, here's a little recap of the Little Mr's first year in this big, wide world.
On his birth day.
A first visit with his sisters, who, have in the course of the year taught him many things.
Some good, some I wish they would have kept to themselves!!
A visit to UC Davis Childrens hospital.
A very relieved momma, hours before we got to leave & come home.
Such a happy little man.
First sibling wounds, thank you Gracie.
Finding those sweet baby toes.
Visiting with cousin Brandon.
Learning to pull up on things...soon to be running a-muck with the sister folk.
& the 1st Halloween.
The first Thanksgiving & his fancy sweater vest
& the first Christmas.
And finally -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!