Friday, April 3, 2009

JMK-A little practice

I've been dying to get out and get some shooting in, but lots of things have come first. One day this week I set out for 10 minutes to try and get a better portrait of my lil' Grace. Well, it didn't quite work out like I wanted, and definately need some assistance when trying again.

But in the mean time... I haven't had much time to do any crafting lately either, so I sat down today and did a couple things. A binkie string for the baby and of course Miss Anna needed a 'rojec' to, so we made her a little headband with the same ribbon I used for the string.

And then, she willingly posed for a few quick snaps since it was so 'tuute' .

Hopefully (haha) I can convince my dear sweet hubby to help me get some Easter pictures of the girls this weekend. I know I'll get a little practice in this weekend, even if it's not my own sister wanted to get together for some new shots of her & my nephew. I may even get ambitious and get a few new ones of myself done...


Stacey J. said...

Love the headband!

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous kiddos! Did you make them yourself? ;)